Baking with fruits is a habit that I picked up when I was living in France. French pears are globally famous. In fact, I have written about poached pears here.
I was in Strasbourg, France recently and decided to carry back some pears and wine. Naturally, the first idea I had was to poach them in the wine but then I stopped myself because I wanted to try a new dessert and pair the pears with another fruit. I went to the farmer's market and saw the most appetizing raspberries. And that's how this dessert was born :)
As always, I have let my fruits be the heroes and kept everything else including the sugar to a minimum.
Here's what you need -

Measurements using a teacup as always
1/2 cup almond mehl
1 cup refined flour
1/4 cup regular sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla bourbon powder
8 unsalted pistachios shelled and grated
1 big firm pear peeled and cut into thin slices (see the pictures in the recipe for reference)
16-18 small raspberries or 8-10 big ones.
1 teacup whole fat yoghurt
1/2 cup melted unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
2 eggs at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 free-range eggs (room temperature)


In a big bowl, add the butter and sugar and beat well. I always use a whisk and it works fine.

Add the vanilla bourbon powder & cinnamon and continue whisking.

Next add the eggs and whisk them in at a slightly faster pace. About  8 minutes is more than sufficient.

Add the almond flour slowly and fold it in.

Add the regular flour next and fold it in.

Next, add the yoghurt. Fold it in. Remember no beating or aggressive handling at this stage.

Next, add the raspberries. Mash some and allow some to be whole.
Add the baking soda and powder. Mix well.

This is the time you start to preheat your oven. Set it at 160 degrees C.

Now in a loaf tin, add a parchment paper. Look at the picture below.

Grease the bottom with a thin layer of butter. I just use a brush to finely coat it.

Now sprinkle some sugar on this and add a layer of pears.
On top of this, add the grated pistachios. Just a sprinkle. Not too much.

Pour some batter next.

Add another layer of pears and then grated pistachio again.
Top it with the remaining batter .

Carefully place it in the pre-heated oven on the lowest rack and bake for 45 minutes (this depends on your oven).

Use a tester at 50 minutes to see if the cake is done. The tester should come out dry.

If it's still wet, give it another 10 -15 minutes.

Once done, take out the loaf tin carefully and allow to cool down.
Once cool, put a serving plate on top and invert so that your cake is face down on the plate.

Now peel off the parchment paper and you will see your pears on top.
Serve warm or even cold with some ice cream on the side or even hot tea.
Enjoy :)


  1. Made this over the weekend and not a single extra slice!!! My partner ate 3 slices! We are a dessert loving family and your apple pudding is also a hot favourite at home. Thank you!

  2. Hi Candice,
    Thank you for your feedback. I am happy that you enjoyed the French loaf :) it's one of my favourites and I don't even have a sweet tooth :D Glad to hear you are enjoying other desserts too:) thank you once again for writing.


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